What kind of security solutions should be installed in public utility buildings

Taking care of safety of an office, a hotel, a hospital or another place where you provide services or where you trade is undoubtedly one of the most important elements of the finishing project. The health and life of your employees and clients are at stake. Appropriate protection of the building will also ensure security related to your company’s data.

Security measures for public buildings – such as kindergartens, industrial buildings, office complexes, skyscrapers, hotels, shopping centres, schools, hospitals – include several elements. These will mainly be the elements of finishing and equipment that counteract potential threats such as fire outbreak, electrical and mechanical defects and failures, dangerous substances, but also those related to espionage, sabotage, burglary and vandalism. The person responsible for the safety of a building must consider all possible risks when developing a project.

The safety concept comprises all measures to prevent or reduce damage. These measures are tailored to the needs, requirements an objectives of security. These are mainly fire protection measures, access control and anti-burglary protection – also the measures related to cybercrime. The safety concept of using a building must be aligned with the overall safety concept of an organisation and it must be regularly updated – especially in the event of changes in the use of buildings, which result, for example, from organisational changes.

Public facilities experience an intensive flow of people, which makes access control to all parts of these facilities extremely important. It is necessary for safety and life protection systems to function smoothly. You have to comply with increasing safety requirements and with the applicable regulations. Find out how to best keep your office, hotel, hospital or another public facility safe.

Construction safety of buildings and fire protection systems

Building systems, materials and appropriate equipment are the key to organisation and operation of facilities with respect to safety. Doors, stairs, windows, railings, lighting and countless other elements of a project must be looked at not only from a functional but also from a safety perspective. Integration of safety components and architectural elements must take into account issues connected with operation of a facility and future maintenance needs. Commercial buildings security systems require that appropriate fire protection equipment is installed. The fire protection system detects, extinguishes or controls a fire event. The primary goal is to protect human life from fire and products of combustion. A secondary goal is to reduce potential losses caused by the fire. Remember that the installation must comply with the current safety requirements. A fire protection system includes: fire alarm systems, water fire extinguishing systems, fire pumps, connection systems of hydrant pipes and fire brigade hoses, water-based fire extinguishing systems, smoke management systems, emergency power supply systems, fire doors and windows, emergency lighting, exit lighting, exit signage, stairway signage made of photoluminescent material, exit systems and other types of equipment and systems. An adequate fire resistance of structural elements such as, among others, interior finishes for walls, ceilings, floors and movable partitions, is also required. You can read more about fire suppression systems here.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are used in public buildings in order to maintain an appropriate indoor environment, for example, to supply the interior of a building with fresh air or to cool various devices. They can also play an important role as it comes to reacting to a fire. HVAC systems can prove useful in suppressing the spread of hazardous contaminants in a building (such as, for example, chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear materials.)

CCTV cameras and alarm systems

CCTV, motion detectors and other systems are integrated in order to maximise the protection of a facility, so that they take into account all the needs of a given building. CCTV cameras are a necessary investment in the area of security. Video surveillance in commercial buildings helps security teams to monitor what is happening in their key areas. Camera control is a tool which increases security of an office and acts instantly, scaring away potential villains and recording any undesirable activities. Make sure that you choose the latest solutions in the industry and do not forget to cover the less obvious areas such as back alleys, garages or hallways outside the main space.

Like CCTV, alarms play an important role in deterring criminal activity on the premises of a facility. Their main task is to automatically detect violations of the area and to notify the right people about them. Alarm systems can be directly linked to door locking mechanisms or they can be triggered by specific events that take place in buildings. In places where high level of security is required, infrared sensors, lasers or microvawes can be used.

Access control

An access control system determines who can enter a building and its particular rooms, usually by means of authorised data verifying identity which can unlock a door. There will certainly be areas in the facility where access will be given only and exclusively to particular members of your team. You can learn more about the control systems you can use in your facility by reading our article Teletechnics – how its implementation in a facility improves its functioning.

How to safeguard an office

Every organisation needs a policy that will ensure safety of its employees and property. This can be achieved by constantly controlling and implementing various security measures. More and more business owners recognise the advantages of so called intelligent offices. Imagine what an intelligent office could do in the event of a fire: activate the fire suppression and sprinkler system, call the fire brigade, notify the management about the incident, close fire doors to the areas of an office where sensitive equipment and data are kept, keep the key door open so that employees and visitors can leave the building, activate the fire ventilation system in order to remove smoke from the rooms, use surveillance cameras to help fire brigades locate people trapped in the building. Of course, such a system requires the highest level of encryption and multi factor authentication to make sure that only the right persons can log into it.

Many companies also choose to secure their networks, which is to protect restricted and private data – i.e. a cybersecurity system. Cybersecurity systems may include antivirus software, data encryption, movement monitoring and firewall protection. Cybersecurity strategies and networks managed by IT are perfect for data protection, while physical monitoring of security, such as access control, helps protect physical components connected with logical security.

Marking and monitoring all office equipment can also be helpful in increasing safety of an office. It can be done by means of special tags with the company’s logo as well as unique identification labels. They create a short list of items and make it easier to control all the important devices used by your company. You also have to remember about sensitive data and information. Keep their privacy and exclusivity. Secure them with passwords and access codes. Restrict external access to any confidential information and always be careful while sharing it with third parties. Try to keep the company’s policy safe. Keep ID cards, key cards and other employee attributes in a safe place.

Train your staff to familiarize them with the basics of technology, however, do not forget that human resources are, in fact, the most important tool to increase the security of an office. If people aren’t properly using the equipment and the protocols you have created, there is no point using these tools in the first place. Therefore, it is critical that you thoroughly discuss workplace safety, including handling of documents and data, protecting the area and behaviour in the event of violations. Create and implement a contingency plan. It is extremely important for you and your employees to be well prepared. When violations occur, everyone needs to know their role as it comes to security, securing sensitive business assets, contacting with the office security or directly with the police.

Finally, remember about the importance of the reception. It is not only of crucial when it comes to making the right first impression, but is also a kind of security measure. Thanks to it, you can manage your guests and stop unwanted visitors. The office reception is also the place where confidential information is prevented from “walking out the front door”.

A fit-out company and security of a facility

Security is critical to the success of any organisation, which is why so many companies are dedicating more and more financial resources to security systems. Fit-out companies offer security systems adjusted to the specific needs of a given commercial space. Security systems of a commercial building must be reliable and ensure protection on various levels. They should also take into account a large number and rotation of people. They should also be sensitive to the amount of data transferred and stored by companies. Commercial buildings require advanced security measures that provide both physical and cyber security. As each organisation will need a different type of system, it is worth consulting a fit-out company that will help you conduct a security audit in order to determine the specific needs of a given space. And most importantly, they will approach the issue comprehensively.

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